martedì 29 settembre 2020

Appello a @SecPompeo @luigidimaio

Mercoledì 30 settembre 2020, alle 13.30 , il Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Luigi Di Maio  incontrerà presso la Farnesina il Segretario di Stato americano Mike Pompeo. Ci auguriamo che il nostro Ministro interceda anche nei confronti di Chico Forti

🛑APPELLO de L'Onda di Chico al Segretario di Stato USA Mike Pompeo

Dear US Secretary of State,

Who writes to you is "L'Onda di Chico" (The Wave of Chico). We are a group of Italian citizens, spokesmen of our compatriot Enrico Forti, known as "Chico", who has been detained in a Florida prison for 21 years, accused of a murder for which he has always proclaimed himself innocent.
Surely you already know his sad and heartbreaking story and with this letter, without entering into the judicial merit, we would like to make an appeal to your sense of humanity and justice to ask you to help us bring this fellow countryman of ours back to Italy to his 90-year-old mother, before it is too late.
We offer you this prayer because Chico has been waiting for 21 years now!
We thank you for your attention.

With kind regards,

The Wave of Chico
🌊 #londadichico


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